Evn and The Weirdly Wonderful World of CBD
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Evn and The Weirdly Wonderful World of CBD

September 28, 2022

CBD is at an all time high for stress relief, anxiety and sleeping patterns, but did you know pets can take CBD too?

Long gone are the days where cannabis was reserved to stoners, or weekend Amsterdam-goers on the search for a mellow high. In the last few years, with greater research invested on the benefits of certain components of the green-leaf, more and more people have turned to CBD-based products for things such as insomnia, anxiety, or stress using brands like Evn. And more and more people seem to be raving about it.

Image courtesy of Evn CBD
Image courtesy of Evn CBD

What exactly is CBD?

According to Evn, a shop that sells all things CBD, it’s “one of the many compounds, called cannabinoids, found in the cannabis plant.”, but is not a “psycho-active, meaning it does not produce a “high” or any associated mind-altering effects.”

The stuff you’re thinking about that gives you the high, is in fact called THC, and Evn (much like many other CBD manufacturers) ensures it’s products contain 0% of that mind-altering component.

In what forms can I consume CBD?

The answer is, hundreds. But here are some of our favourites.


Gummies are kind of fun. Looking very much like the type of stuff you buy at a supermarket for your sweet tooth cravings, a CBD gummy is a great option for those who might not exactly love the earthier taste of hemp.


There’s a really big variety of CBD oils out there. The one thing to watch out for however, is that with such a large variety available, many oils have THC traces in their products, which can be detrimental to athletes or working professionals. It is always best to opt for brands which give you peace of mind, just in case.

Tea Powder

Channel your inner Brit and have a cup of tea – this time infused with CBD. Not only are Evn’s sleep powders gluten free, but they are a great late night option for those who might struggle a little with their sleeping.


You know the deal, pop a pill when you need your dose of CBD, but you might as well make sure whatever you’re taking has other benefits too. Evn offers capsules with Turmeric, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.


Topicals are quite literally a cream, which you can apply to whatever part of your body which may be experiencing any kind of pain or discomfort. They are great for those of you which might feel a bit more skeptical about ingesting anything.

Your pets can take CBD too

Image courtesy of Evn

This one might come as a bit of a shocker, but apparently pets enjoy the benefits of CBD just as much as humans might. Evn puts it this way:

“Whether your dog is growing old, showing concern about being separated from an owner, or could benefit from help with mood and general quality of life, they could join many other dogs in responding to the therapeutic benefits of CBD in the same way that humans have.”

Author: Laura Scalco