How to Keep Children Safe When Travelling Abroad 
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How to Keep Children Safe When Travelling Abroad 

March 1, 2024 Share



Explore essential travel safety tips for families venturing abroad, from tracking devices to accommodation research, ensuring a secure and enjoyable holiday.

Taking your children on a holiday abroad is a great opportunity for them to experience new cultures and generally just have some fun while parents can take well-deserved rest. That being said, keeping your children safe in a foreign environment is a priority so it’s not a time to get complacent.

Image courtesy of Patty Brito

Nearly a quarter of parents are anxious about taking their babies away on their first trip but with the right planning in place, you can safeguard your little ones and ensure they have the best time. Here are some top tips for keeping your children safe while travelling abroad that make it easier for you all to focus on enjoying your holiday. 

Tracking devices 

Tracking devices are a great option for monitoring your children’s whereabouts, especially if you’ve lost sight of them or have allowed them to go off with others for a holiday activity. Many parents are turning to AirTags to track their children on holiday or in busy areas where they can become easily separated. 

Simply slip one into your child’s shoe or in a pocket to easily track them from an electronic device and see where they are at all times. Of course, this may become a problem when swimming in the sea or at the pool but it’s ideal for daytime exploring. 

Research Accommodations and Area 

It’s important to do your own first-hand research to establish how safe your chosen accommodation is, alongside the surrounding area. Whether you take to the web to read online reviews or contact your hotel’s staff, you can find out any potential risks ahead of time and plan appropriately. This could be anything from strong sea tides, stray animals or recent crime events. 

Of course, no matter how much planning you do, sometimes accidents happen. If you or your child experience an accident that wasn’t your fault, you could have a legal precedent for compensation. Make sure to contact personal injury claims experts to discuss your case when you return home. 

Family Safety Rules 

Making some safety rules specific to your children will help them avoid situations that put their safety at risk. For example, for little ones who aren’t the strongest swimmers, ensure they understand that they shouldn’t get into the water without swimming aids or adult supervision. 

A great one for all ages is designating a meeting point in the unfortunate case that you get separated. Choose a landmark that is distinctive and easy to find. 

Teach Important Identifying Information 

If you do become separated, make sure your children are aware of key identifying information. This includes their full name, parents’ full names and contact details. For children who are too young to memorise this, get bracelets or stickers with this information to be used during outings. 

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