What Does The New Astrological Year Mean For You?
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What Does The New Astrological Year Mean For You?

March 17, 2022 Share



The new astrological calendar year begins on March 20, bringing with it the fiery energy of Aries and the chance for a fresh start.

With the sun is about to enter the fiery Aries, expect a lot of changes this month. The vernal equinox, a major astrological event, symbolises the start of spring and the start of a new astrological year.

This is a period of new beginnings and rebirth. Butterflies are fluttering,  Animals are emerging from hibernation, animals are emerging from hibernation, and we are recharging our batteries with intentions and aspirations for the next year.

We are cosmically forced to ponder on what we wish to add and alter in our life as the cherry blossoms begin to bud and perfume the air. As we are called to embark on brand new endeavors, our feeling of identity and purpose is rekindled. Now is the moment to take action and spark change so that we can achieve our full potential and greatness in the next 12 months.

Credit: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

Here’s what your star sign can expect from the astrological new year.


Well firstly, Happy Birthday in advance! You’re getting older, so let’s hope you’re getting wiser too. Wisdom comes to those who are willing to utilise their experiences as a source of growth and to dig into their knowledge to better comprehend their actions, and the new astrological year indicates that you are eager to learn. You can grow into the individual you wish to be if you use this time to reflect.  Despite usually wanting to get things done yourself, there is a strong emphasis on collaboration in order to take full advantage of the connections you establish and allow others to assist you in achieving your goals.


Taurus, you are a natural artist, and now is the moment to enhance your inner world by paying more attention to yourself. Make a habit of treating yourself with kindness and love. The astrological new year provides you with the opportunity to reconnect with your body by allowing you to rest and relax. Because positive energy enters your body from the south, it’s best to sleep facing that way.

Fortunately for you, financial support is also coming your way in March, and your thoughts will be less preoccupied with your bank account. Expect movement and change, as all of the planets are in direct motion, encouraging you to try new things.


This is a fabulous month for your work, dear Gemini, and you have everything it takes to take your work to the next level. Yes, Mars shining in your sign may make you more irritable than normal, but it also prepares you to overcome any obstacles in the way of your success.

This is an important transition for friendship too. If you have any that may need some attention, the astrological new year is an excellent opportunity to do so. Reach out to your friends and pattention to what they’re saying.


If February gave you some interpersonal conflict, March finally provides you with some respite and a sense of calm. On March 20, as the Sun enters fiery Aries, you will be catapulted to a new level of self-ownership. It’s time to recharge and give attention to your wildest dreams. With  the Sun is in psychic Pisces, you are more intuitive than usual, so pay attention to the long-term vision you have for your life. It’s a great moment to pay attention to your dreams and follow those gentle intuitive nudges about where you want to go. You might get the recognition you deserve at work too, Cancer, so get excited.


Leo, before the sun the sun begins to radiate in imaginative Pisces on March 20 , take some time to slow down, because for the most of March, you will be inundated with creative inspiration. Prepare to delve into your subconscious desires in order to have a better understanding of your hopes and goals. It may be difficult to find time in your hectic schedule to implement all of your ideas, so set aside some time for yourself.


It’s time for you to reclaim the power you’ve been giving to others. Use the astrological new year as an opportunity to grow and develop. Think on your needs instead of letting people live rent-free in your head and controlling your thoughts. Be selfish and p rioritize yourself. It’s critical to recognise when other people’s issues are simply not yours. It’s your life, and no one else gets to decide what you want.

Love is also on the cards for March, and you might encounter someone who makes you feel rather than think. Let your hair down and open yourself up to these opportunities.


In late March, Venus will enter your house of partnership, imbuing all of your relationships with a romantic, receptive energy. This is an excellent moment to employ manifestation to ensure that you are getting the same amount of love as you are giving to others. But don’t worry, Libra! Your crush/partner is more than willing to do the work.


You will be given a burst of vitality as the Sun enters fiery Aries on March 20 for the Astrological New Year, so keep your attention focused on all you want to accomplish in the next year.

You also have a responsibility to feed your erotic appetite as the resident Sex-God of the zodiac, and March offers plenty of opportunity to do so.


The Sun in Pisces invites you to reconnect with your inner child, whether through play or your innate creativity. During this time, you have more access to your imagination and intuition, so the urge to create something wonderful may consume you. However, don’t be too harsh on yourself when it comes to creating the “ideal” artistic endeavour. Allow yourself to feel your way through each project. This will aid your development by allowing you to hone your abilities and trust your instincts when it comes to the visions you’re bringing to life. Trust the process, Sagittarius!


You might usually be hesitant to talk about issues that are weighing heavily on your shoulders.  Fortnately, an emotional renaissance is on the way, urging you to express all of the intense and deep feelings you’ve been suppressing. Those close to you will appreciate your courage in speaking up and allowing them into your heart. Instead of bottling your feelings up, it’s time to let them out.


The new astrological cycle will re-energize you and prompt you to take action. All of the planets are in direct movement in March, so embrace newness and innovation over reflection. With the Sun in Pisces for the majority of March, it’s time to stop procrastinating and start planning. Things may appear surreal, but dreams and realities are merging, so daydream with purpose.


Happy Nirthday season, Pisces! Birthdays are a time for reflection and manifestation and with Venus in your sign during the first few weeks of March, you have the potential to attract what you need with little to no effort. Good fortune and abundance are on their way to you, but only if you allow room for these new energies to thrive. You are supported by the universe, so let go of any worry or doubt that you are being carried adequately to your desired destination.

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Author: Imogen Burnett
Astrological New Year

