What Does Venus Being In Pisces Mean For Your Love Life
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What Does Venus Being In Pisces Mean For Your Love Life

April 5, 2022 Share



If there was ever a time to be lucky in love, it’d be now. 

On April 5, Venus, the planet of love and affection, will enter Pisces, its all-time favourite sign. The two go together like chocolate sauce on a sundae, so this dreamy duo will make us feel more sensitive and creative, as well as give our romantic lives a significant cosmic boost.

Venus literally lives to be in Pisces, so as you can imagine, the vibes here are perfection. It’s all about love during this transit, so the time has come to celebrate romance, love, fantasy, creativity, and dreams. Giving to others will be much easy during this time, and our desire to focus on important bonds will also be strong.

Despite Venus entering Pisces every year, the transit in 2022 will be even more powerful due to some harmonic interactions with other planets. Venus will generate positive connections with many planets during its Pisces stay, including Uranus, Saturn, and, most crucially, Jupiter and Neptune. Venus will be super close to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces from April 22 to April 30. This triple conjunction of planets is likely to provide some of the best days of the year where love and romance are concerned.

If you’ve already got a partner, take advantage of this transit’s loving nature to show your significant other how much you care. And, if you’re single and looking for love, now is the time to strike, so download those dating apps and see what sort of connections you can create. Your flirting game will be on point with the playful energy of Venus in Pisces behind you.

However, remain cautious. The energy of Venus in Pisces is similar to that of falling in love while on vacation – everything can feel even more charming and enchanting, so we must be wary. We must also keep in mind that, because Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune, Venus in Pisces can also signify putting on rose-tinted glasses and failing to see things for what they are. Love can be wonderful, but we must also be aware of the warning signs. This month, listen to your heart but don’t dismiss what your mind is telling you.

Credit: Sofia Kraushaar

Although Venus is the planet of love, this transit isn’t just about romance – all relationships have the potential to get the push they need.  Pisces is recognised for removing barriers and any perceived distance between people. Talk to a friend you haven’t seen in a while, because this transit is just what you need to get back into the swing of things with the ones you care most for.

Make a note on your calendars for April 30 in particular, since Venus will be right next to lucky Jupiter during the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on that day. This eclipse becomes a mystical portal through which new things will emerge during the next six months. This date is not only favourable for love, but it will also bring us abundance in a variety of ways. So, take out your manifesting journal, take chances, and don’t be scared to go after your dreams.

There’s no need to worry about Venus in Pisces – while there are a few things to keep an eye on, this should be a pleasant transit overall. If you embrace love and stay true to yourself, you’ll come out on top throughout this transit. If anything, get excited!

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