Fashion, Spies, Murder, Intrigue
Taste & Travel2 Minutes Read

Fashion, Spies, Murder, Intrigue

May 9, 2020 Share



Three Books to Enjoy This Bank Holiday Weekend

The sun is out, bank holiday is here. What better time to kick back, turn off Netflix and enjoy a great book by the window (or in the garden if you are lucky enough). One can truly be transported anywhere through the pages of a good read.

So this holiday weekend, why not break out of mental isolation and into the most incredible mysteries, histories and scandals of the fashion world…

We have selected three compelling gripping titles that will rock your view of the fashion industry and give you new found insight into the histories behind some of the biggest brands in the world.

Buckle-up, get Amazon next day delivery and be prepared for the ride of your life:

Murder, greed, empire building… the hidden story behind fashion’s most glamorous name. Impossible to put down and incredible to read. We guarantee, you’ll never look at your Gucci loafers the same way.
Three brothers that spawned a global jewellery empire despite challenges, wars and brutal competition. Lovingly written by a direct descendant of the historic family, this book dives deep into the creation of one of the world’s most recognised and respected brands.
This book will shake you to your core. The not-so-hidden history of Coco Chanel and her involvement with the Nazis is explored. Meticulously researched by Vaughan through previously secret state documents in the UK, France and Germany, Chanel’s past is dark and winding. A book not to be missed.

These three reads may just give you the perfect dose of fashion and intrigue you need whilst you wait for the next fashion month in September (fingers crossed).

Don’t forget! … If you are reading these and taking the sun this weekend make sure to wear suncream… check out our top recommendations here for creams and sunglasses.

READ MORE: Christian Dior — Designer of Dreams

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