Embracing Sobriety: The Sober Curious Movement Among Gen Z
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Embracing Sobriety: The Sober Curious Movement Among Gen Z

May 6, 2024 Share



Have you ever paid close attention to how many alcohol-free options are at your local pub? If you have never tried going sober curious, you might be surprised. From beers to impeccable tasting gins, enjoying a G&T no longer necessarily involves alcohol.

Image courtesy of Cora Pursley

In recent years, a noticeable shift has taken place in the drinking habits of younger generations, particularly the Gen-Zs. This shift is all about a broader reevaluation of the role that alcohol plays in our lives, fueled by a mix of health consciousness, economic factors, and cultural shifts. Here’s a deeper look into why more people, especially the youth, are choosing to go sober, the growing trend of sobriety, and the benefits it brings.

Why Are People Going Sober?

The sober curious movement extends beyond those who identify as having a problem with alcohol. Instead, it encompasses individuals who are rethinking how much they drink, why they drink, and how alcohol affects their health and happiness. Health concerns are a significant driver of this trend. The potential negative impacts of alcohol on physical and mental health are well-documented, ranging from an increased risk of cancers and cardiovascular diseases to exacerbating mental health issues. The global health crisis of 2020 further highlighted these concerns, with the enforced social isolation causing many to reconsider their drinking habits as bars and social gatherings were put on pause.

Moreover, a generational shift in attitudes towards alcohol is apparent. Gen Z is questioning the drinking norms of previous generations with a critical eye. As reported by sources like ITV News and Mintel, this generation values authenticity and is wary of following outdated norms without scrutiny. This introspective approach is reflected in their drinking choices, where the act of not drinking becomes a form of personal authenticity and a health-conscious decision.

The Growing Trend of Sobriety

Social media and influential public figures have played a pivotal role in popularising the sober curious movement. Platforms like TikTok have become arenas where young people share their sober journeys, discuss the benefits of not drinking, and offer support to peers aiming to reduce their alcohol intake. The visibility of celebrities who discuss their sober lifestyles also adds momentum to the movement. Take Adele, Chrissy Teigen, or Demi Lovato. This visibility helps normalize sobriety, making it an attractive lifestyle choice rather than a necessity borne out of addiction.

The economic aspect cannot be overlooked either. With the rising cost of living, many young people find sobriety financially beneficial. With the average price of a pint in London soaring to a staggering 5.67GBP, not spending on alcohol can lead to considerable savings, which aligns with the budget-conscious nature of many in Gen Z who prefer investing in experiences over expenses.

Image courtesy of Cora Pursley

Benefits of Going Sober

Choosing sobriety offers numerous benefits, extending beyond mere health improvements. Many report better sleep, clearer skin, and an overall enhancement in the quality of life. Mentally, the absence of alcohol-related fog means sharper cognition and an improved ability to handle stress and anxiety. Socially, the trend towards sobriety is reshaping nightlife, with an increase in alcohol-free bars and events that cater to those who prefer to remain sober but still want to enjoy a vibrant social life.

Economically, the shift is also seeing a rise in the market for non-alcoholic beverages. Innovative non-alcoholic spirits, beers, and wines are becoming commonplace, providing sober individuals with more than just soda or water options at social events. This market expansion is not only catering to sober curious individuals but is also a boon for businesses adapting to these new consumer patterns.

What does this mean for acohol brands, or nightlife?

The sober curious movement, marked by an increasing interest in non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages, is reshaping consumer habits but not drastically reducing overall alcohol sales. Major alcohol brands have responded by diversifying their product lines to include healthier, non-alcoholic options, reflecting a shift toward moderation rather than complete abstinence. This trend is supported by data showing that non-alcohol and low-alcohol product sales have surged, particularly during events like Dry January, indicating a year-round interest in these alternatives​ (NIQ)​.

This shift in consumer preferences has spurred innovation within the alcohol industry, with companies like Diageo leading the way in developing non-alcoholic spirits and beers. The demand for these products is driven by a broader consumer base that values health-conscious choices but does not necessarily forsake alcohol completely. Many consumers continue to purchase traditional alcoholic beverages alongside their non-alcoholic counterparts, suggesting that the movement towards sober curiosity is more about embracing balance and variety in drinking habits rather than advocating for total sobriety.


The rise of the sober curious movement marks a significant shift in cultural attitudes towards health and personal choice, challenging long-standing social norms about drinking. As more people opt out of alcohol, this trend is normalizing sobriety, creating a more inclusive environment for social interactions. This change is largely driven by Gen Z, whose approach to “responsible drinking” often includes not drinking at all. Their commitment to redefining societal expectations is a key factor in moving towards a future where health and mindfulness take priority.

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Author: Laura Scalco
Gen Z
sober curious

