Pet Aliens & Robot Butlers: A Fantasy Look Around Elon Musk’s Future Home
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Pet Aliens & Robot Butlers: A Fantasy Look Around Elon Musk’s Future Home

September 2, 2021 Share



As the world’s second-richest man, it’s no surprise that Elon Musk has – like many of the world’s wealthiest – collected several multi-million dollar homes across the years. 

Far more surprising, however, was the announcement that he made to his 59 million Twitter followers last year as he declared his intentions to sell almost everything that he owned – including all of his property. 

As of this June, it looks as though he’s about to make good on this promise, as his last remaining home was listed for sale. The incredible 47-acre estate sits just south of San Francisco and has hit the market for $37.5 million – none of which, it seems, will be used to purchase a new home in its place. Not just yet, anyway…

Right now, Elon resides close to the SpaceX launch site in Boca Chica, Texas, sharing rented accommodation with his girlfriend Grimes and youngest son X Æ A-Xii. After doing a little digging, curious followers of the Tesla tycoon were able to confirm that his new home wasn’t even built from brick and mortar – it’s a foldable, prefabricated housing unit produced by the company Boxabl. Costing around $50,000 and coming in at a tiny 375sq. it., it’s a world away from the luxurious mega-mansions that Musk has resided in previously. 

However, given the billions of dollars at Musk’s disposal, we can’t imagine that he’s planning to settle into such a living situation for the rest of his life. So, when Musk and Grimes decide to leave their surprisingly minimialist lifestyle behind and rejoin the ranks of the wealthy, how can we expect their new home to look?

Take a peek behind the doors of Elon Musk’s (hypothetical!) future home with us, as we share our predictions…

Robot Staff

It’s no secret to anyone that Elon and Grimes are big lovers of the futuristic – and when you have the money to spend on the most cutting edge technology out there, it’s much easier to bring such innovations into your own household. 

In fact, Elon Musk and Tesla have recently announced their intentions to begin producing their very own humanoid AI robots in the next few years, even predicting they’ll have their first working prototypes ready next year. Their purpose? To replace humans in job roles that are typically considered ‘low-skilled’ – store clerks, factory workers and restaurant cashiers, among others. 

The idea is that Tesla will eventually be in a position to bring these robots to retail for use by the public, though we imagine there’ll be a rather lengthy testing period beforehand. Perhaps part of that testing period will involve Elon and Grimes utilising the technology within their home…

If you’re going to purchase a multi-million dollar mega-mansion, it will always be helpful to have staff to keep the household running smoothly – this time next year, those staff just may be non-human. If there’s one couple out there that we can see hiring robot butlers, housekeepers, gardeners and cleaners, it’s certainly Elon and Grimes!

Futuristic Recording Studio

There’s been few rags to riches stories quite like that of Claire Elise Boucher, now known to all, of course, as Grimes. 

Back in the early days of her career, Grimes described working on her music in her room, blacking out the windows and isolating herself from the outside world for days at a time. These days, it seems she’s no need to do that. Whilst we doubt that there’s any room for a dedicated recording space in their current home in Texas, we imagine that could all change once the pair move into a new home. 

With the space they’ll have in a luxurious new mansion, there’d be no shortage of room for a vast, state-of-the-art recording studio, perhaps lit by neon and the glare of various computer screens. Wherever her next music is recorded, fans are certainly hoping she’ll release something new soon – we’re sure living next to the SpaceX launch site has inspired her futuristic, alien-inspired sound. 

High-Tech Playroom

With their son approaching his second birthday, the couple will likely ensure their new home has plenty of space for  X Æ A-Xii to play. 

However, we can’t imagine the son of the Tesla and SpaceX mogul being too interested in the toys traditionally marketed to small children today – Elon and Grimes will likely pull out all the stops and create a playroom like no other. 

We’re picturing a huge playroom, perhaps complete with space-themed soft play area and plenty of high-tech toys – maybe even some build-your-own synthesizer kits in case X seems to be following in his musician mother’s footsteps. Whilst the pair are yet to say whether or not they’re planning on having more children, we’re sure he won’t be left to play alone – not with a Tesla robot nanny looking out for him whilst his parents are hard at work. 

Super-Secret Pet Alien

If there’s a man outside of the government that likely has some inside knowledge on the secrets of Area 51, we can imagine it’s Elon Musk. 

No family is truly complete without their very own family pet, but we somehow can’t see this pair being satisfied with a golden retriever. Perhaps they’ll be the first to own a pet of the eight-legged variety – and we’re not talking about a tarantula. 

Given the connections that the two have, as well as their mutual love of all things martian, we think they’d be happier with their very own pet alien – the kind that comes in peace, of course. One of the many great things about having a pet is getting to know all of their strange personality quirks and habits, a discovery that probably gets a lot more interesting if you’ve adopted it straight from outer-space. 

We get it, everybody believes that their pets are out of this world – we’re just theorising that Grimes and Elon’s first furry (or tentacled) friend probably actually will be. 

State-Of-The-Art Cannabis Growth & Research Lab

We all remember the fracas that followed Elon Musk’s Twitter announcement that he would be taking Tesla private at $420 a share, setting off a chain of events that eventually cost the entrepreneur $20 million in fines from the SEC. 

Grimes later confirmed in leaked texts between herself and rapper Azealia Banks that Elon had ‘got into weed’ after smoking with her and was ‘super entertained by 420’ and it seems that his interest hasn’t much subsided since. Elon has previously spoken out in support of legalising cannabis use across the US, stating that there is no sense in possessing or using the drug being a criminal offence. 

Given his work in support of the legalisation of weed, we wonder whether or not Elon – who could likely avoid getting into too much hot water over his involvement with the substance – might take to growing and researching it himself in his new home. Perhaps he’d build a dedicated underground space where marijuana plants could be grown and could even employ researchers to work on all of the different things that could be done with them. 

As many states seem to be moving towards legalisation these days, it may be yet another successful direction for the billionaire to go in. 

Dedicated Space For His Research Into Mars

Elon has made no secret of intention to colonise Mars one day, with Grimes even telling Instagram followers that she was ‘ready to die with the red dirt of Mars beneath (her) feet’ in a snap outside the SpaceX base. 

We imagine that, whilst the majority of the research will be taking place at the SpaceX base (likely a factor in their decision to move closer to the facility), moving to a new place will mean that Elon needs a space to bring his work home with him. 

Perhaps their future mega-mansion could include a dedicated space for this work – maybe even behind a super-secret coded vault door, just like in the movies. Having somewhere to continue his research into the early hours of the morning may just bring their Martian dream that little bit closer…

We suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.

READ MORE: “I Was Always Crazy On Twitter FYI”: Elon Musk’s Most Controversial Tweets

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Author: samuel
Boca Chica
Claire Elise Boucher
Elon Musk
San Francisco

