Planning a Solo Trip? What to Consider & How to Plan Before Setting Sail
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Planning a Solo Trip? What to Consider & How to Plan Before Setting Sail

January 1, 2024 Share



There are so many ways to make your first-ever solo trip a hundred times easier. Here’s some.

“Taking a solo trip” is taking over the travel industry with astonishing speed; more and more people are looking for the self-led adventure of a lifetime. Thoughts of enjoying your own solo escapade may well have crossed your mind and dagged up a few questions that need addressing.  

As more people catch the travel bug, the amount of interest in a solo trip seems to be on the rise, with popular travel search sites indicating that a little over half the people using their platform are searching for solo trips. 

Source: Unsplash

And why not solo travel? You’ll be in charge of your own trip from start to finish; no waiting around for family members or friends to commit to set dates, no visiting places that you have no interest in to appease the group, no rushing to squeeze in experiences that don’t appeal to you, less complicated travel arrangements. It’s just you and your own travel goals; sounds pretty great.

Solo travel can give you an awful lot besides control, you can: 

  • Gain self confidence
  • Learn new things about yourself
  • Meet people from outside your usual circle
  • Understand self reliance 
  • Find things you’d never previously dreamed of experiencing 

This all sounds pretty amazing, so what’s the catch? Well, there isn’t really a catch. More like a set of things to be aware of before heading out on your solo voyage.   

What to Consider Before Heading Out There

Figuring out what type of trip you want to embark on is a crucial step, and it takes a lot of self-awareness. 

If you’re feeling super adventurous and brave then booking a plane ticket to a new location, heading to the nearest hostel, and experiencing the culture in its purest form can be a great way to go. But that’s not for everyone. 

Booking a trip with a designated itinerary that meets your needs can offer plenty of freedom, even more opportunity to meet people, give you back your own time, ensure your safety, and even, offer a bit of luxury. 

Time & Admin

Solo traveling can be whatever you want it to be, that’s the beauty of it, so make your trip work for you. 

Studies have shown that nearly 75% of solo travelers book a cruise, guided trip, or escorted tour at least once during their travels. It can be a great way to meet people, experience incredible moments and remove a lot of the admin which inevitably comes with the adventure of a lifetime.

Considering a cruise as a single person for one leg of your journey can also be a great alternative way to travel from A to B; instead of rushing the process and flying, why not enjoy the journey, visit some new destinations along the way, and make even more life long memories.


As a solo traveler, it is important to consider your own safety. Now, this is not to say that the world is a horrible place and you are putting yourself at risk as a solo traveler; in actuality, the risks are merely different to those when traveling as a group, not increased;  you just have to consider things in a slightly different way.  

Traveling as a part of a group gives you something of a safety net but things can, and will, go wrong anyway. 

The same thing applies when traveling solo but you simply have to put a little more thought into a few elements. Where you go, who you meet, and at what time you do these things can make all the difference. 

Don’t avoid meeting people or going anywhere; just plan for things like a taxi ride home at night, a scheduled call with a friend at a set time, or a meeting in a public and safe location.

Letting people know of your whereabouts can go a long way and making smart choices might sound like an obvious thing to do, but it’s all too easy to get swept up in the moment. Some people feel safest in a controlled environment like a cruise ship, and that is absolutely okay; it can be a superb way to enjoy a totally stress free adventure!  

Activities & Experiences

This is a huge driver for many people when traveling, and for good reason; the activities and experiences you can enjoy in the far-flung corners of the world form the cornerstone of people’s memories. 

They are a great way to meet like-minded fellow travelers and truly experience something new. 

If you’re planning adventurous activities and excursions then ensure you go with reputable companies with the correct safety features and qualified guides, it’s always better safe than sorry. 

Keep an eye for singles events that, despite the name, don’t have anything to do with dating. Instead, they are aimed at giving you the opportunity to make connections and who you interact with is totally up to you. 

How to Plan Your Trip 

So, you’re ready to begin planning your big adventure. It’s time to take a look at some of the things that are easy to overlook in the excitement leading up to your trip; and no, we are not going to remind you to take your passport. 

Source: Unsplash

We’re going to take a look at a few things that ensure you will have the best possible trip whilst you discover the wonders of the world, solo.  

Choose Your Trip Wisely

There are many types of trip out there, and they are not all born equal. As we have already discussed some trips will suit others, some will suit you; you just have to decide which works for you. 

Remember, you’re in total control of this adventure so design it around your own needs! 

When choosing a cruise, try to pick an operator that offers singles packages, because some don’t. Some cruise lines won’t offer a reduced price for a person traveling alone and using a double bedroom, whereas those with a focus on single travelers will simply charge a small supplement – or offer an actual single room.

There are so many options for an incredible cruise and it can be a great way to kickstart an incredible trip. Crossing the Atlantic in style can be the ultimate way to begin a European adventure saturated with history and culture, so make sure you seek out a cruise operator that caters for a single traveler; chances are, you won’t be the only one!  

Search for the Best Deal

More and more options appear every year for solo travelers in every sector of the travel industry. Now really is the perfect time to embark on an incredible journey of self discovery. Remember what kind of trip you want, the things you want to get from your adventure and start your search with those factors in mind. 

As you move forward you’ll discover several options that appeal to you more than others; this is where you should start comparing and contrasting the prices and what you will get out of each offer. 

Cruise lines offer food and beverage packages, excursions, activities, and more, so you won’t really have to worry about anything except where to have dinner.  

Enjoy Your Time Alone

There are a lot of opportunities when traveling to make new friends and meet new people, but that does not have to be the way your trip goes. 

This incredible adventure is all about you, so enjoy it anyway you want. If you want to sit and read in the evenings, dine alone, process your thoughts and get back to what really matters, you don’t have any obligation at all to do things with others. 

Source: Unsplash

Your solo trip can go any way you want it too and if that means spending time working on yourself, or simply enjoying your own company, then that is absolutely okay. 

Do what makes you happy and enjoy your own time; that’s pretty much the only way you can guarantee a wonderful trip. 

Relax & Enjoy the Trip of a Lifetime 

So there we have it, some things to consider when planning the solo adventure of a lifetime. The key takeaway here should be that there is no right or wrong answer, your trip should be dictated by exactly what you want; nothing more, nothing less. 

Make the most of your time with yourself and learn as much as you can along the way. This trip will be something that you remember for the rest of your life, so make the right decisions when planning and prepare yourself for the ultimate adventure. 

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