Joeboy: Crafting Soulful Narratives in ‘Body, Soul & Spirit’
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Joeboy: Crafting Soulful Narratives in ‘Body, Soul & Spirit’

December 7, 2023 Share



Explore artist Joeboy and his evolution in ‘Body, Soul & Spirit’—an introspective EP marking his growth in love, spirituality, and artistic expression.

In the dynamic realm of Afropop and R&B, few artists capture the essence of emotional storytelling quite like Joeboy. His journey from a reticent teenager to a global music icon is not just remarkable, but it mirrors the depth and complexity found in his music. With his latest EP, ‘Body, Soul & Spirit,’ Joeboy embarks on a deeply introspective journey, revealing layers of his artistry that resonate with personal growth, emotional fortitude, and a progressive artistic vision.

Image courtesy of We Plug Good Music

This EP, arriving just six months after his wildly successful ‘Body & Soul’ album, which eclipsed three billion streams, marks a pivotal moment in Joeboy’s career. Here, he ventures into uncharted thematic territories. By confronting the darker aspects of love and embracing a journey of spiritual growth, Joeboy paints an evocative picture of his recent experiences, offering his audience a raw, unfiltered look into his soul.

‘Body, Soul & Spirit’ is not just an assortment of tracks; it’s a vivid narrative, a chronicle of personal evolution that speaks volumes of Joeboy’s maturing as an artist and as an individual. This project is already striking a chord with listeners worldwide, further cementing Joeboy’s status as a musical force to be reckoned with.

In an exclusive sit-down with DDW, the trailblazing artist opens up about his music, the deep connection with his fans, his forays into fashion, and the myriad experiences that shape his unique sound. Joeboy is clearly on an upward trajectory, and we are here for it, eagerly anticipating every step of his evolving journey.

Image courtesy of We Plug Good Music

1. Can you share a bit about your musical journey? What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and how did your journey as an artist begin?

I have always had a musical background, I had my siblings in the church choir and my dad played the drum. My love for music has been right from time, I was a bit shy about my music, especially in my late teenage years. I was okay with just writing and singing in my room but over time, I grew confident in my talent and became more outward with my music and the rest is history.

2. Every artist has a unique musical identity. How would you describe your signature sound, and what elements or genres have influenced your style?

I tend to be biased to matters of the heart. Love, heartbreak and everything in between. I love love. I think love is a beautiful thing but our experiences and surroundings make us experience love in different ways (both good and bad). These days, I tend to lean towards more spiritual subject matters because I have gone through a lot of things that really tested me but thankfully I overcame them.

3. Walk us through your creative process on this new EP ‘Body, Soul & Spirit’, and how it was different from your usual process? How do you typically approach writing and composing new music generally? Are there any specific rituals or habits that fuel your creativity?

I don’t exactly have a defined process. Creativity just has a way of being very unpredictable but one thing I do is to listen to a lot of emerging artists as well as alternative music. I feel artists in those brackets actually make music without any inhibition or expectation and that for me is the purest form of creativity and it really gets my creative juices flowing. For the EP. I really channeled my mood at the current time. I was going through a very emotional phase (more negative than positive) and I poured every single motion on the tracks that made the project.

4. Music is a dynamic art form. How have you evolved as an artist, from your early days to this new project, and what pivotal moments or experiences have contributed to your growth?

Every year in my career, I have made it a point of note to make significant changes to my sound and my brand so as to keep things fresh because the one thing I have learned in my career is you always have to shake things up to keep your audience engaged and interested in you as an artist.

5. Collaboration often leads to exciting new musical directions. Are there any artists, producers, or songwriters you dream of working with? How do you think these dream collaborations might impact your music?

For sure, Drake and The Weekend are some of the artists I would really love to work with. These artists I connect with and see myself in their sonic world. Also, afrobeats is the wave right now so it would be great for them to also get on the wave. Especially The Weekend.

6. The lyrics on this new EP delve into darker themes than you are used to. Can you discuss the concepts or emotions you typically enjoy exploring in your songs? And why was it different this time around? What messages do you hope your audience takes away from this new EP?

I usually tend to lean towards themes of love and positivity but for the new EP, I felt I needed people to really understand that things won’t always be rosy. We all have bad times, times where we are not ourselves and need help. I want my audience to know that they aren’t alone. No matter what they are going through, there will always be someone or something there for them. Whether it’s friends, family, God or my music.

Image courtesy of We Plug Good Music

6. The lyrics on this new EP delve into darker themes than you are used to. Can you discuss the concepts or emotions you typically enjoy exploring in your songs? And why was it different this time around? What messages do you hope your audience takes away from this new EP?

I usually tend to lean towards themes of love and positivity but for the new EP, I felt I needed people to really understand that things won’t always be rosy. We all have bad times, times where we are not ourselves and need help. I want my audience to know that they aren’t alone. No matter what they are going through, there will always be someone or something there for them. Whether it’s friends, family, God or my music.

7. Live shows are a significant aspect of an artist’s career. What do you enjoy most about performing for a live audience? How will you approach translating the music on this new EP to the stage?

My team and I have been working on this, how to bring the interpretation of my songs to life and infuse elements of what my brand represents into live performances. I really love live performances. It is one of my favorite things to do as an artist and I can’t wait to bring the songs on the new EP to life and interpret them in unique and different ways than what they have experienced so far.

8. Fans often feel a personal connection to artists through their music. Are there any stories from fans that particularly touched you or highlighted the impact your music has had on their lives?

I receive series of DMs from fans telling me of how my songs have held them down through tough times, one of my favorite was a guy who sent me a DM of how he lost his mum in 2020 and he became significantly distant or withdrawn from his family and friends but kept listening to my music, these are like testimonies, I hold them dearly because it is a sign that I am doing the right thing and that my effort is not going unnoticed. Often I make music from a place of realness, what I’m expressing or what I’m feeling at the time, be it love, heartbreak, I mean we are humans, we are driven by emotions, I put these emotions into my songs and I think that’s why people can relate to it more.

9. Looking ahead, what are your artistic goals and aspirations for 2024? Are there any new directions you’re excited to explore in your music, or any milestones you’re aiming to achieve?

My artistic goal and aspiration for 2024 is to evolve, opening myself to new challenges and exploring other areas of interest. Some areas I’m looking to explore include acting and fashion. I was at the Paris fashion week earlier this year and I was truly truly inspired and can’t wait to explore that area. I have also really had a thing for acting and if you look through some of my music videos, you would see that I did a little bit of acting, videos like Duffle bag and contour where I played different characters. Watch out, you just might see me in some of your favorite blockbuster movies moving forward.

Connect with Joeboy on Instagram and X.

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