Celebrities Who Coined Signature Accessories You’ll Never Forget
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Celebrities Who Coined Signature Accessories You’ll Never Forget

August 3, 2022 Share



These signature accessories have transformed into a trademark, from Michael Jackson’s iconic white glove, Pharrell’s Topper hat, to Michael Jordan’s left hoop earring. Some additions are so powerful that without them, life would seem incomplete.

While you may save some accessories for a special occasion, others are a piece you wouldn’t dare leave the house without. But for celebrities, signature accessories are like personalised trademarks – symbols that will forever be handcuffed to their legacy and persona.

From Marilyn Monroe’s Fur Shawl, Michael Jordan’s left hoop earring, to Mr T’s Gold Chains, the list of celebrities who display their iconic emblems is endless. But even though they may have a massive following behind them, developing a signature style can take time.

Some people base it on their quirky personality, while others take a brand that suits their lifestyle and imitate it until we cannot help but connect the two. Often at times, it may be the opposite way round, like Pharrell Williams, who wore what looked to be a Mounted Police hat one winter’s night.

But it was, in fact, a Vivienne Westwood piece, originally played an ode to Malcolm McLaren. For others, it was simply a case of the accessory going on a viral spiral. Everyone has style – it all depends on how it’s being expressed.

Even though there are many celebrities to choose from, these A-listers will forever stand out from the pack due to the empowering impact they are leaving or have left behind. Here are some of the most iconic signature accessories of all time:

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Author: Michelle Laver
Hoop earring
Michael Jackson
Signature Accessories

